So, today when I drove out of the neighborhood to run errands, I noticed a large object (bird) in a tree in a friend's yard. I called her to come outside and look and it started to fly off w/this gigantic wing span. But he landed on the top of the light pole in her yard and mainaged to stay there long enough for Dean to come home and help id him. I thought he might be a turkey or even an eagle but Beth and others thought it was a big crow or raven or something--turns out he is a big ugly buzzard (kind of like "War Eagle") and is prowling the neighborhood for squshed squrrels and chippies. All I could think of is that if it weren't raining, I would have taken Cap out for a walk this morning and the gross bird would have flown off w/him like the dog in "The Proposal." My other thoughts on the subject involve inviting Mr. Buzzard up to the pool to meet lovely Polly the Parrot. When I looked up this creature on wikipedia (my fav) it said they had wingspans of 5 to 6 feet and were 2 to almost 3 feet tall.

This post is so funny! LOVE IT!
hahahaha - i like the mental image of this bird stealing poor sweet casper
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